Unsung Women+’s Project 2020

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Breaking BarriersUnsung Women's Project

Back in 2018, we started a blog series titled the Unsung Women’s Project. The purpose of this series was to give voice to amazing women who were doing brilliant, perhaps under-recognized work in STEM fields. Our original inspiration was the book and movie Hidden Figures, and our goal was to create a platform for women and other marginalized genders doing interesting, important work who hadn’t necessarily received the corresponding accolades. We featured eight amazing people, before pausing this project. 

Now, two years later, we’ve decided to bring it back! Given the challenging times we’re living in, we want to continue to lift up the voices of everyday women and other marginalized genders. Do you or someone you know have a story to share, COVID-19-related or otherwise? We’re looking for women and other marginalized genders who are on the ground, doing amazing work in a variety of fields, without large public acknowledgement. Complete the below form to nominate someone (or yourself!).