Resources for Supporting Transgender Employees

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

In honor of Pride Month, we’re including some of our favorite resources specifically dedicated to supporting transgender employees. These companies and organizations have done an incredible job of creating buckets of resources, from glossaries to templates, and lists upon lists of best practices. We’re also including some of our favorite videos on being transgender. We hope that this list of resources not only provides you with insight on what being transgender means, but also how best to support your transgender employees.

Insights on what it’s like to be transgender

Ted Talk: I’ve lived as a man & a woman – here’s what I’ve learned
We laughed, we cried, with this powerful talk from Paula Stone Williams, who recounts how life is so incredibly different when you walk through it as a man vs a woman.

Ted Talk: Why we need transgender bathrooms
Ivan Coyote makes a compelling case and an emotional plea for the importance of public gender-neutral bathrooms.

Ted Talk: A powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender
This four minute poem from teenager Lee Mokobe provides a window into what it’s like to be transgender in an unwelcoming society.

Podcast: Dr. Huong Diep – Episode 1, Episode 2
Dr. Diep is a psychologist focusing specifically on transgender youth. We had so much to talk about, we recorded two episodes with her.

Social Justice Toolkit: Top 5 Trans* Ally Principles
We know it sounds crazy to have to have a primer on how to talk with another human. This PDF shares best practices and quick tips for those who are unsure how best to communicate with transgender people.

Trans Rights and The Law 

Transgender Law Center: Equality Map
This map breaks down US policies state by state on sexual orientation and gender identity. Unfortunately there is no federal law passed protecting transgender people from discrimination in employment, housing, healthcare, and adoption. This frequently updated map keeps an eye on related legislation.

Workplace Guides on Gender Transition

Catalyst: Stats and facts about LGBTQ and the workplace
If you’re looking for statistics and facts about LGBTQ, this page is your go-to resource.

Catalyst: A primer on gender and sexuality
This primer on gender and sexuality is perfect for those who are looking to get more familiar with the concepts and includes a glossary of terms. Catalyst also includes ways that managers can support transitioning employees.

Human Rights Campaign: Trans Toolkit for Employers
This comprehensive toolkit from HRC makes the business case for transgender inclusion and provides best practices, guidelines, legal issues, and more.

Learn How to Become: Workplace guide for employees and employers
This stellar resource looks at legal resources for employees and employers and provides practical strategies for how to transition and support transition in the workplace.

HR Drive: Healthcare benefits for transgender employees
This article by HR Drive reviews healthcare considerations and coverage specifically for transgender employees

Society for Human Resources Management: Managing Gender Transition in the Workplace
Society for Human Resources Management (‘SHRM’) is the premiere destination for all things human resources. They put together an incredible list of resources, including sample documents, tools, policies, transition plans, and employee memos.

Transgender Law Center: Model Transgender Employment Policy
The Transgender Law Center (‘TLC’) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. This downloadable PDF provides a sample policy, along with guidelines for a transition plan.

We hope you’ve found this list of resources a useful guide to supporting transgender employees. If we’ve missed anything, don’t hesitate to tweet at us or drop us an email!