Join Us for Our September Geek Out Sponsored by CarGurus!

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CarGurus office space filled with people chatting at different tables
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We’re so excited to introduce you to one of our corporate partners, CarGurus

CarGurus isn’t your average online automotive platform. With its proprietary technology, data analytics, and nationwide reach, CarGurus has revolutionized how consumers confidently buy and sell vehicles. However, what truly sets CarGurus apart is their unwavering commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). This core value permeates every aspect of the company’s culture, shaping how they engage with partners and communities and guide their business decisions. CarGurus empowers its team to innovate, collaborate, and create a transformative automotive shopping experience by fostering an inclusive environment where employees are encouraged to be their authentic selves. 

A common misconception about working at CarGurus is that you have to like cars to work there. Not a car enthusiast? No problem! CarGurus is first and foremost a tech company. They move quickly, try new things, fail fast, and try again. Their pioneering spirit and collaborative nature allow them to solve hard problems and learn plenty along the way. Their inclusive culture empowers Gurus to bring their unique backgrounds and perspectives to their work each day.

This is just a little taste of why we love working with CarGurus. Join us at our September Geek Out sponsored at CarGurus office space in Cambridge on September 19, 2023. Keep an eye out for more info about CarGurus on the SGO Blog in the coming weeks! To learn more about the Geek Out and how to register, click the button below.