How to measure the impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Companies are investing more resources into making sure their employees understand and appreciate the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion. But how do we measure the success of these trainings? Here, we’ll look at some of the ways companies can measure their impact. 

Step 1: Establish a baseline

Before any training has been done, it’s important to determine where your organization stands. This can be done through demographic data collection and analysis, engagement surveys, or even focus groups with employees to get an understanding of how they feel about these issues within the company. Once you have a baseline understanding, you can start to measure changes over time as new initiatives are implemented. 

Step 2: Set goals

The next step is to set goals for your organization’s DEI efforts. Having measurable goals will help you track progress over time and determine whether or not your efforts are effective. Goals should be specific and measurable so that you can track progress toward them over time. For example, if one goal is to increase representation from underrepresented groups at higher levels within the organization, then setting a goal such as “achieve 40% representation from underrepresented groups at VP level by 2024” would be appropriate. 

Step 3: Evaluate and iterate

It’s important to evaluate the effectiveness of DEI programs on an ongoing basis by conducting check-ins (surveys, town halls, focus groups, performance reviews, or one-on-one conversations) with employees throughout the year. This will give you an understanding of how employees’ attitudes have changed since implementing these trainings. Additionally, tracking metrics such as diversity in hiring and promotions can also give you a good indication as to whether or not your efforts are having a positive impact on your organization’s culture and workforce composition. 

Measuring the impact of DEI training is essential for organizations looking to create meaningful change within their workplaces. By establishing a baseline, setting measurable goals, and evaluating program effectiveness on an ongoing basis, you can ensure that your investments in DEI training are paying off. With this information in hand, companies will be better prepared to make data-driven decisions about future investments in this area going forward!

Are you looking for support in measuring DEI training impact at your company? Learn more by reaching out to us today!