Getting Civically Engaged – A Shared Resource Guide

Home Resources Blog Getting Civically Engaged – A Shared Resource Guide
Breaking Barriers

It’s just been a few weeks since the new administration has taken office and we think it’s safe to say many of us have been inspired by the outpouring of action. We’re getting involved like never before and for many of us, for the first time ever! We’ve seen so many resources come at us and, well, Rachel really likes creating single points of reference for people. It’s a thing. So she created this spreadsheet of resources for anyone to get civically engaged. While many of the resources are progressive, this is really a tool for anyone to get involved. The more we are informed, contribute and hold our representatives accountable, the better our democracy will be.

You should feel free to add to the spreadsheet, and edit it as you like. This is ultimately for you! So if you come across something, just pop on in and add away.

Two resources we’ve found are particularly helpful are:

Countable: An app that shows you what’s happening in Congress, both sides of the issue and respond via email.

Daily Action: Daily Action will send you a daily text to ask you to take some form of action directly with your phone. We tried it. Calling, as it turns out, isn’t as scary as we thought. We left a voicemail. Easy peasy.